Summerplace Gordons Bay Accommodation and Things to Do
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Minutes of 6 May 2021 Body Corporate AGM


ON 06 MAY 2021 at 18h30


PRESENT:  Andrew Wilson; George Lean; Elize Olivier; Johan van Zyl and Elize te Boekhorst

NO APOLOGIES:               Divesh Munoo & Rajen Munoo (No. 8)

Cor Beijer (No. 12) – In Holland

Anna-Marie Pretorius (No. 3)

PROXIES:                             Ross Lichtenstein (No. 7) – George Lean

Hennie du Plessis (No. 5) – Andrew Wilson

APOLOGY:                          Antoinette Brooks (No. 10) - Sick

1.       Welcome

George Lean welcomed Johan van Zyl, new owner of No. 1, Elize te Boekhorst and Andrew for attending the meeting.

2.       Approval of the minutes of the AGM

The minutes of the AGM that were held on 03 September 2019 were approved.


3.       Approval and adoption of the Annual Financial Statements

Andrew discussed the financial statements with the owners attending the meeting, but it has not been signed off. Still to be finalised with owners and approved.

4.       Approval of Insurance Replacement Valuation

The insurance premium is based on the valuation report dated 18 June 2020 for R26 million replacement value for the building.  It was agreed to insure the building for R30 million.

5.       Confirmation of the 2020/2021 budget

Andrew confirmed the figures for last year’s budget.

6.       Approval of the 2021/2022 Budget

Andrew discussed the budget with the owners present, and they agreed to it.

7.       10 Year Repairs and Maintenance Plan

The following points were discussed:

·         Water Pay-as-You Go – Year 2022 - Estimated cost for implementing this will be between R50 000 – R120 000.  It was discussed that the cost was going to be too high, and that this option should be scrapped.

· Painting of the building. Year 2023 - Estimated cost R125 000-00 which was acceptable, but we need to ensure that we use efficient painters and quality paint and ensure genuine quotes.

· Painting of the staircases – Year 2022 – This has now become urgent, as the state of the staircases are extremely poor.  This will include the sections that are the same colour as the staircases - Estimated cost R50 000-00 – Year 2022.  George to follow up.

· Asbestos Gutters to be replaced with PVC or Aluminium. Estimated cost R35 000-00 –

Year 2022.


Another issue was raised and discussed.   The Tarmac in some areas is in an extremely poor state and needs to be addressed urgently and repaired.  Quotes to be obtained.

8.       Approval of Management Fee

The 3% management fee increase was accepted.

9.       Appointment of Trustees

This was not discussed and needs to be finalised.  The question was raised whether Johan van Zyl will be interested to be appointed as a Trustee.

10.    General

a)      Johan van Zyl, new owner of No.1 raised the concern about the balcony above him (Flat No. 5).  His concern is about the appearance and the contents of large heavy pot plants, and the steel furniture on the balcony.   He is concerned if the structure is able to support all this weight!

Johan suggested that we appoint an engineer to analyse if the structure is stable.

b)      George Lean was still concerned about the water usage and the various number of people occupying the flats.  According to Andrew’s statistics, the average water usage is a R100 per week per flat, and so therefore the Water-Pay-as-You-Go option is too expensive, and it was decided not to go this route.  George was satisfied with Andrew’s explanation.

c)       Body Corporate and Management rules need to be implemented urgently, and the Trustees are busy finalising these rules.

11.   Closure

All thanked Andrew Wilson for making his flat available for the meeting, and for his input regarding the financial statements for Summer Place as always.

[Minutes by Elize Lean]



NB - [1] The meeting time and place was only disclosed on the day of the meeting, [2] no written proxy's were tabled, [3] all documents related to the meeting was only emailed to members on the day of the meeting. The AGM thus did not comply with legal rules and cannot be regarded as an official meeting. All decisions are null and void. - JG van Zyl 

1 / 7
Beach Front Patio & Weber Braai
2 / 7
Lounge Area & Smart TV
3 / 7
Kitchen & Dining Area
4 / 7
Main Bedroom & Beach Views
5 / 7
Ensuite Bathroom - Shower & Toilet
6 / 7
2nd Bedroom & Private Toilet with Handwash Basen
7 / 7
Main Bathroom with Bath, Shower & Toilet

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